Second Judicial District Court -- State of Nevada, Washoe County
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(775) 328-3110
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Case Information
Case Description:  PR267920 - ESTATE: DOROTHY H. CAHILL -
Filing Date:             24-Feb-1971
Case Type:              TM - PROBATE TRUST - CORP TRUSTEE
Status:                    NEF - Proof of Electronic Service

Case Cross Reference
Cross Reference Number(s)

Case Parties(top)
Seq Type Name
3 ATTY - Attorney Rose, Esq., Sean P.

Event Information(top)
Date/Time Hearing Judge Event Description Outcome
1.  30-Oct-2014 at 08:15 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING Outcome is Pending
2.  24-Oct-2013 at 08:15 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 24-Oct-2013
     Extra Text:
3.  21-Nov-2012 at 08:15 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 21-Nov-2012
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4.  08-Sep-2011 at 08:30 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 08-Sep-2011
     Extra Text:
5.  30-Sep-2010 at 08:30 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 30-Sep-2010
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6.  01-Oct-2009 at 08:30 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 01-Oct-2009
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7.  25-Sep-2008 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 25-Sep-2008
     Extra Text:
8.  27-Sep-2007 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 27-Sep-2007
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9.  30-Nov-2006 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 30-Nov-2006
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10.  13-Oct-2005 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 13-Oct-2005
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11.  13-Jan-2005 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 13-Jan-2005
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12.  25-Sep-2003 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 25-Sep-2003
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13.  19-Sep-2002 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 19-Sep-2002
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14.  04-Oct-2001 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 04-Oct-2001
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15.  05-Oct-2000 at 08:00 Honorable
HP1 - ANNUAL ACCOUNTING D425 - Granted filed on: 05-Oct-2000
     Extra Text:

Docket Entry Information(top)
Docket Description Date Filed Extra Text
1.  1040P - Affidavit of Mailing - PR 30-Sep-2014 Extra Text: Transaction 4629095 - Approved By: MELWOOD : 09-30-2014:10:15:12
2.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 30-Sep-2014 Extra Text: Transaction 4629324 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2014:10:16:05
3.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 29-Sep-2014 Extra Text: Transaction 4626843 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-29-2014:08:41:43
4.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 26-Sep-2014 Extra Text: Transaction 4626693 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-26-2014:16:52:48
5.  1010 - Accounting 26-Sep-2014 Extra Text: FORTY-THIRD ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 4626502 - Approved By: MFERNAND : 09-26-2014:16:51:47
6.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 26-Sep-2014 Extra Text: FORTY-THIRD ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 4626503 - Approved By: YLLOYD : 09-29-2014:08:40:50
7.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 29-Oct-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 4099936 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-29-2013:16:18:58
8.  MIN - ***Minutes 29-Oct-2013 Extra Text: FORTY-SECOND ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - 10/24/13 - Transaction 4099808 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-29-2013:16:05:18
9.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 28-Oct-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 4093620 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2013:10:16:33
10.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 28-Oct-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 4093599 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-28-2013:10:13:27
11.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 24-Oct-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 4091234 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-24-2013:11:35:21
12.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 24-Oct-2013 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING FORTY-SECOND ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 4091188 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-24-2013:11:28:31
13.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 16-Sep-2013 Extra Text: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE - THE SALAVATION ARMY - Transaction 3997658 - Approved By: MFERNAND : 09-16-2013:09:51:25
14.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 16-Sep-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 3997765 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-16-2013:09:55:13
15.  1040P - Affidavit of Mailing - PR 26-Aug-2013 Extra Text: MAILED 8/23/13 - 42ND ACCOUNT & REPORT & NOTICE OF HRG - Transaction 3951178 - Approved By: VALLEN : 08-26-2013:15:05:16
16.  1100 - Amended Notice of Hearing 26-Aug-2013 Extra Text: 10/24/13 - FORTY-SECOND ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 3949416 - Approved By: VALLEN : 08-26-2013:11:34:56
17.  1010 - Accounting 26-Aug-2013 Extra Text: FORTY-SECOND ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 3949414 - Approved By: VALLEN : 08-26-2013:11:32:37
18.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 26-Aug-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 3949857 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2013:11:34:55
19.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 26-Aug-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 3949872 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2013:11:37:22
20.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 26-Aug-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 3951598 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-26-2013:15:07:12
21.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 23-Aug-2013 Extra Text: Transaction 3947999 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-23-2013:16:11:10
22.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 23-Aug-2013 Extra Text: 10/24/13 - FORTY-SECOND ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 3947883 - Approved By: VALLEN : 08-23-2013:16:03:58
23.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 30-Nov-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3378705 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2012:14:06:04
24.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 30-Nov-2012 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING FORTY-FIRST ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 3378694 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2012:14:03:50
25.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 30-Nov-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3378937 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2012:14:50:19
26.  F140 - Adj Summary Judgment 30-Nov-2012 Extra Text:
27.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 30-Nov-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3378944 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-30-2012:14:51:53
28.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 21-Nov-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3361885 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-21-2012:10:01:04
29.  MIN - ***Minutes 21-Nov-2012 Extra Text: 11/21/12 - 41ST ACCT & REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 3361865 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 11-21-2012:09:57:37
30.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 29-Oct-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3309684 - Approved By: APOMA : 10-29-2012:14:12:49
31.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 29-Oct-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3309725 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-29-2012:14:16:37
32.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 15-Oct-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3281905 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-15-2012:09:53:14
33.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 15-Oct-2012 Extra Text: MAILED ON 10/12/12 - 41ST ACCOUNT & RPT & NOTICE OF HRG - Transaction 3281891 - Approved By: VALLEN : 10-15-2012:09:51:18
34.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12-Oct-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3279635 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2012:11:46:48
35.  1010 - Accounting 12-Oct-2012 Extra Text: FORTY-FIRST ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 3279495 - Approved By: VALLEN : 10-12-2012:11:39:43
36.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 12-Oct-2012 Extra Text: Transaction 3279057 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-12-2012:10:37:24
37.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 12-Oct-2012 Extra Text: 11/21/12 - FORTY-FIRST ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 3278975 - Approved By: VALLEN : 10-12-2012:10:34:24
38.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 09-Sep-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2458342 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2011:08:50:08
39.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09-Sep-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2458372 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-09-2011:08:54:17
40.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 08-Sep-2011 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING 40TH ACCOUNT & REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 2457076 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-08-2011:14:23:49
41.  MIN - ***Minutes 08-Sep-2011 Extra Text: 40TH ACCOUNT & REPORT OF TRUSTEE - 09/8/11 - Transaction 2457076 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-08-2011:14:23:49
42.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 08-Sep-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2457141 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-08-2011:14:33:14
43.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 25-Aug-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2430889 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-25-2011:12:02:42
44.  1015 - Acknowledgment of Receipt 25-Aug-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2430821 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 08-25-2011:11:59:44
45.  1040P - Affidavit of Mailing - PR 10-Aug-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2400082 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 08-10-2011:14:21:39
46.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10-Aug-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2399317 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-10-2011:11:11:43
47.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 10-Aug-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2399864 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 08-10-2011:13:31:40
48.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10-Aug-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2399883 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-10-2011:13:34:00
49.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 10-Aug-2011 Extra Text: Transaction 2400174 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 08-10-2011:14:22:57
50.  1010 - Accounting 10-Aug-2011 Extra Text: 40TH ACCOUNTING & REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 2399262 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 08-10-2011:11:10:07
51.  1015 - Acknowledgment of Receipt 11-Oct-2010 Extra Text: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE - Transaction 1770326 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 10-11-2010:10:45:09
52.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 11-Oct-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1770363 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-11-2010:10:49:29
53.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1751602 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:13:34:27
54.  2777 - Order Approving ... 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THIRTY-NINTH ACCOUNT & REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 1751393 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:12:06:32
55.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1751735 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:14:20:05
56.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1751412 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:12:09:31
57.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1751606 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:13:35:41
58.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1751740 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:14:21:28
59.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1752075 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:15:59:08
60.  MIN - ***Minutes 30-Sep-2010 Extra Text: ANNUAL ACCT'ING - 09-30-10 - Transaction 1752056 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-30-2010:15:56:28
61.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1696686 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-02-2010:13:14:17
62.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 02-Sep-2010 Extra Text: THIRTY-NINTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE; NOTICE OF HEARING - Transaction 1696101 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 09-02-2010:13:09:27
63.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1693858 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-01-2010:14:46:37
64.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 01-Sep-2010 Extra Text: Transaction 1694439 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-01-2010:16:24:57
65.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 01-Sep-2010 Extra Text: SEPT 30, 2010 @ 8:30 AM - THIRTY-NINTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 1693825 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 09-01-2010:16:17:24
66.  1010 - Accounting 01-Sep-2010 Extra Text: THIRTY-NINTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 1693564 - Approved By: HCHEEK : 09-01-2010:14:43:25
67.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 09-Oct-2009 Extra Text: Transaction 1092600 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-09-2009:17:11:25
68.  MIN - ***Minutes 09-Oct-2009 Extra Text: THIRTY-EIGHTH ACCOUNT - 10-1-09 - Transaction 1092532 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-09-2009:16:57:29
69.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 02-Oct-2009 Extra Text: Transaction 1079760 - Approved By: AZION : 10-02-2009:13:57:10
70.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 02-Oct-2009 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THIRTY-EIGHTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 1078965 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-02-2009:08:52:13
71.  1315 - ** Case Closed 02-Oct-2009 Extra Text: THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL ACCOUNT DUE OCTOBER 4, 2010
72.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02-Oct-2009 Extra Text: Transaction 1079868 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-02-2009:14:01:17
73.  NEF - Proof of Electronic Service 02-Oct-2009 Extra Text: Transaction 1078976 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 10-02-2009:08:54:36
74.  4100 - Supplemental Petition 24-Sep-2009 Extra Text: SUPPLEMENT TO THIRTY-EIGHTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 1065693 - Approved By: HMURAN : 09-24-2009:11:21:10
75.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 08-Sep-2009 Extra Text: Transaction 1022703 - Approved By: AZION : 09-08-2009:10:19:21
76.  1650 - Errata... 01-Sep-2009 Extra Text: ERRATA TO THIRTH-EIGHTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 1011421 - Approved By: AZION : 09-01-2009:14:31:45
77.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 21-Aug-2009 Extra Text: NOTICE OF HEARING ON THRITY-EIGHTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - 10-01-09 @ 8:30 - Transaction 986353 - Approved By: AZION : 08-21-2009:09:05:11
78.  1010 - Accounting 21-Aug-2009 Extra Text: THIRTY-EIGHTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 986351 - Approved By: AZION : 08-21-2009:09:04:05
79.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 21-Aug-2009 Extra Text: Transaction 988477 - Approved By: ASMITH : 08-21-2009:16:24:42
80.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 29-Sep-2008 Extra Text: ORDER SETTLING THE THIRTY-SEVENTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
81.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 25-Sep-2008 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THIRTY-SEVENTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF THE TRUSTEE nd
82.  MIN - ***Minutes 25-Sep-2008 Extra Text: 09/25/08 37TH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE - Transaction 382025 - Approved By: NOREVIEW : 09-25-2008:13:11:44
83.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 16-Sep-2008 Extra Text:
84.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 28-Aug-2008 Extra Text:
85.  1010 - Accounting 25-Aug-2008 Extra Text: THIRTY-SEVENTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
86.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 25-Aug-2008 Extra Text: SEPTEMBER 25, 2008 @ 8:00
87.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 09-Oct-2007 Extra Text:
88.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 01-Oct-2007 Extra Text:
89.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 27-Sep-2007 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THIRTY-SIXTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
90.  MIN - ***Minutes 27-Sep-2007 Extra Text:
91.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 06-Sep-2007 Extra Text:
92.  1010 - Accounting 05-Sep-2007 Extra Text: THIRTY-SIXTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
93.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 05-Sep-2007 Extra Text: 9/27/07
94.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 05-Dec-2006 Extra Text:
95.  MIN - ***Minutes 30-Nov-2006 Extra Text: 35TH ANNUAL ACCOUNT AND REPORT
96.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 30-Nov-2006 Extra Text:
97.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 28-Nov-2006 Extra Text:
99.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 08-Nov-2006 Extra Text:
100.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 07-Nov-2006 Extra Text: 11/30/06 8:00 AM
101.  1010 - Accounting 07-Nov-2006 Extra Text: THIRTY-FIFTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
102.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 18-Oct-2005 Extra Text:
103.  MIN - ***Minutes 13-Oct-2005 Extra Text:
104.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 13-Oct-2005 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THIRTY-FOURTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
105.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 28-Sep-2005 Extra Text:
106.  1650 - Errata... 26-Sep-2005 Extra Text: ERRATA TO THIRTY-FOURTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
107.  1010 - Accounting 16-Sep-2005 Extra Text: THIRTY-FOURTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
108.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 16-Sep-2005 Extra Text:
109.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 01-Feb-2005 Extra Text: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE
110.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 14-Jan-2005 Extra Text:
111.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 13-Jan-2005 Extra Text: ORER APPROVING THIRTY-THIRD ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
112.  MIN - ***Minutes 13-Jan-2005 Extra Text:
113.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 30-Dec-2004 Extra Text:
114.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 29-Dec-2004 Extra Text: 1/13/05 8:00 AM
115.  1010 - Accounting 29-Dec-2004 Extra Text: THIRTY-THIRD ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
116.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 26-Sep-2003 Extra Text:
117.  1005 - Acceptance of Service 25-Sep-2003 Extra Text: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SERVICE
118.  MIN - ***Minutes 25-Sep-2003 Extra Text:
119.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 25-Sep-2003 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THIRTY-SECOND ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
120.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 10-Sep-2003 Extra Text:
121.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 08-Sep-2003 Extra Text: 9/25/03 8:00 AM
122.  1010 - Accounting 08-Sep-2003 Extra Text: THIRTY-SECOND ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
123.  3373 - Other ... 05-Nov-2002 Extra Text: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE
124.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 25-Sep-2002 Extra Text:
125.  MIN - ***Minutes 19-Sep-2002 Extra Text:
126.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 19-Sep-2002 Extra Text:
127.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 06-Sep-2002 Extra Text:
128.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 03-Sep-2002 Extra Text: HRG 9/19/02
129.  1010 - Accounting 03-Sep-2002 Extra Text: THIRTY-FIRST ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
130.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 05-Oct-2001 Extra Text:
131.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 04-Oct-2001 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING THIRTIETH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
132.  MIN - ***Minutes 04-Oct-2001 Extra Text:
133.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 21-Sep-2001 Extra Text:
134.  1010 - Accounting 19-Sep-2001 Extra Text: THIRTIETH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
135.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 19-Sep-2001 Extra Text: HRG 10/4/01
136.  2540 - Notice of Entry of Ord 06-Oct-2000 Extra Text: 10/5/00 ORDER SETTLING THE TWENTY-NINTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
137.  MIN - ***Minutes 05-Oct-2000 Extra Text:
138.  2750 - Ord Approving Annual Acct 05-Oct-2000 Extra Text: ORDER APPROVING TWENTY-NINTH ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF TRUSTEE
139.  1040 - Affidavit of Mailing 28-Sep-2000 Extra Text:
140.  2550 - Notice of Hearing 22-Sep-2000 Extra Text: 10/5/00 AT 8:00 AM
141.  1010 - Accounting 22-Sep-2000 Extra Text:
142.  MIN - ***Minutes 30-Sep-1999 Extra Text:
143.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1999 Extra Text: YEAR 1999
144.  MIN - ***Minutes 17-Sep-1998 Extra Text:
145.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1998 Extra Text: YEAR 1998
146.  MIN - ***Minutes 13-Nov-1997 Extra Text:
147.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1997 Extra Text: YEAR 1997
148.  MIN - ***Minutes 07-Nov-1996 Extra Text:
149.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1996 Extra Text: YEAR 1996
150.  MIN - ***Minutes 19-Oct-1995 Extra Text:
151.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1995 Extra Text: YEAR 1995
152.  MIN - ***Minutes 01-Sep-1994 Extra Text:
153.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1994 Extra Text: YEAR 1994
154.  MIN - ***Minutes 24-Sep-1993 Extra Text:
155.  MIN - ***Minutes 16-Sep-1993 Extra Text:
156.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1993 Extra Text: YEAR 1993
157.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1992 Extra Text: YEAR 1992
158.  MIN - ***Minutes 05-Sep-1991 Extra Text:
159.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1991 Extra Text: YEAR 1991
160.  MIN - ***Minutes 27-Sep-1990 Extra Text:
161.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1990 Extra Text: YEAR 1990
162.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1989 Extra Text: YEAR 1989
163.  MIN - ***Minutes 15-Sep-1988 Extra Text: 09-15-88 / 09-28-89
164.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1988 Extra Text: YEAR 1988
165.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1987 Extra Text: YEAR 1987
166.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1986 Extra Text: YEAR 1986
167.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1985 Extra Text: YEAR 1985
168.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1984 Extra Text: YEAR 1984
169.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1983 Extra Text: YEAR 1983
170.  MIN - ***Minutes 03-Sep-1982 Extra Text: 09-03-82 / 08-29-83 / 09-12-84 / 09-17-85 / 09-04-86 / 09-24-87
171.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1982 Extra Text: YEAR 1982
172.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1981 Extra Text: YEAR 1981
173.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1980 Extra Text: YEAR 1980
174.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1979 Extra Text: YEAR 1979
175.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1977 Extra Text: YEARS 1977 - 1978
176.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1976 Extra Text: YEAR 1976
177.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1975 Extra Text: YEAR 1975
178.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1974 Extra Text: YEAR 1974
179.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1973 Extra Text: YEAR 1973
180.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 01-Jan-1972 Extra Text: YEAR 1972
181.  200 - **Entire File Imaged** 24-Feb-1971 Extra Text: YEAR 1971
182.  4295 - Will 24-Feb-1971 Extra Text: