Second Judicial District Court -- State of Nevada, Washoe County
  @ contact us
(775) 328-3110
PDF Conversion
Unfortunately, due to budgetary constraints and limited use, the court will no longer use the PDF conversion service at
There are many ways to convert documents to the PDF format. Listed below are a few items that may help you converting your documents:

•Microsoft Office 2007 and later allows for the ability to save documents in the PDF format. If you use Office 2007, an additional download is needed to add this functionality (free from Microsoft).
Office 2007 Add-in

•Word Perfect (version 9 and later) allow for saving documents in the PDF format.

•OpenOffice is a free software suite (think Microsoft Office) the word processing application can be installed separately from the other pieces and provides conversion to PDF. This useful bit of software can be found at:

•Primo PDF is a free tool that you install that creates a PDF print queue' that actually converts documents. This tool can be found at:

•doPDF is another free tool that you install on your pc that does what Primo PDF does:

•There are many websites that provide a conversion service, the following service sends you an email with a link to the document:

Please note: The Second Judicial District Court staff does not specifically endorse or provide support for any of the above methods for converting documents from either a scanner, copier, or software to PDF format.